Gail A Hornstein, 'Bibliography
of First Person Narratives of Madness'
This bibliography by Gail Hornstein, Professor of Psychology
and Education at Mount Holyoke College and author of a
distinguished biography of Freda Fromm-Reichmann (To Redeem One
Person Is to Redeem the World: The Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Free Press, 2000), can be
download by following the link above. The link to the bibliography
is at the bottom of the page. |
Joseph H. Berke 'The
Right to be at Risk'.
What is a risk? Well, it is usually seen as any action or
potential action that may serve as a threat or danger to life and
limb, for oneself or to another. ‘Risk’ carries a negative
connotation. Something ‘bad’ may happen. In a larger sense,
‘risk’ refers to a change of state or status. This may be
positive or negative. Really, we are talking about the process of
being alive. To be at risk is to risk to be alive. At any moment
the consequence of being alive entails sudden unforeseen changes
which may enhance or endanger health. |
Joseph H. Berke reviews To Redeem One Person is to Redeem the
World: The Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichman by Gail A. Hornstein. |
Kelly Noel-Smith 'Harry
Potter's Oedipal Issues'
By adopting a psychoanalytic perspective - and acknowledging
that this is only one of many ways of approaching the question of
the books’ popularity, or notoriety - I hope to show that the
extraordinary success of the Harry Potter books is due, in part,
to the universal phantasies they contain, in particular, those
deriving from the Oedipal period. |
Kelly Noel-Smith 'Time
and Space as 'Necessary Forms of Thought'
My initial idea for this paper was to discuss some
psychoanalytic metaphors for mental space - Freud’s vesicle,
Bion’s container, Winnicott’s transitional space, Steiner’s
psychic retreats and Meltzer’s claustrum - in terms of the
philosophical concepts of being and nothingness. I intended to
focus on Sartre’s idea that: “Nothingness lies coiled in
the heart of being - like a worm” (Sartre, 1943, p21) to
illustrate the connection between nothingness, as an unconscious
mental state in which space and time have no domain, and being,
which requires psychic space to be in. |
Janine Puget 'The
State of Threat and Psychoanalysis: From the Uncanny that
Structures to the Uncanny that Alienates'
Psychoanalytic reflections on the effects of the right-wing
violence (1974-76) and dictatorship (1976-83) in Argentina on the
inner worlds of people in an analytic group in Buenos Aires. It
was originally published in French under the title Violence d'etat
et psychanalyse. Paris: Bordas, 1989. This essay is chapter one of
the collection. Her interpretations and conclusions are of
considerable general interest. |
Robert M. Young How Are We To Work With Conflict Of
Moral Standpoints in the Therapeutic Relationship?
I was asked to give a talk a the Tavistock Centre in a series sponsored
by CONFER on 'Power in the Clinical Relationship', on 25
November 2002. My brief was concentrate on the therapist's
power, in particular, how to deal with conflicts of values between
the patient and the therapist. I have drawn to some extent on my
other writings. |
Harry M. Anderson Metapsychological
Formulation: A New Scientific Method of Psychoanalytic Clinical
Research and Practice
Many claim that
Metapsychology is of no use in the clinical situation and should
be abandoned. The author's researches show that this attitude is
the result of an incomplete scientific evolution of the theory. If
enabled to mature, it provides a sound foundation for the creation
of a true science of clinical research and practice. |
Naomi Weisstein Psychology
Constructs the Female
Written in 1968, this is one of the founding documents of feminist
psychology. One of its strengths is that it addresses both
the ideological aspect of psychological theory and the deep sexism
of the social relations of the profession. Its author was
subsequently struck down by chronic fatigue syndrome, and her
husband, the distinguished historian Jesse Lemisch, provides
further context for her and her work in Lemisch, Jesse and
Weisstein, Naomi (1997) 'Remarks
on Naomi Weisstein'. See also: 'Feminist
Psychology, Psychology of Women & Gender' (2001)
(readings). |
Theodore M. Brown The Rise and Fall of Psychosomatic
M. Brown is an historian of medicine at the University of
Rochester in New York State. He here offers an overview of the
history of psychosomatic medicine in America, inspired by
psychoanalytic thinking and superceded by reductionist models. |
M. Brown The Historical and Conceptual Foundations
of the Rochester Biopsychosocial Model
a period in the 1960s and 1970s, the Medical School of the
University of Rochester in upstate New York was a very active
centre in the development of theory and experimental research in psychosomatic
medicine. T. M. Brown is an historian of medicine at
that university and has researched the history of the approach
-embracing biological, psychological and social levels - which was
developed there under the leadership of George W. Engel. |
M. Brown The Growth of George Engel's Biopsychosocial
Model. Corner Society Presentation - May 24, 2000.
George Engel was arguably the most original,
empirical and sophisticated researcher in the history of psychosomatic medicine. He certainly took the widest view of the
subject, embracing the biological, psychological and social levels
of explanation. Trained as an experimentalist, he united this
approach with psychoanalysis and, most notably, conducted a series
of experimental studies on a young girl who had a gastric fistula
and ulcerative colitis. Secretions could thereby be correlated
with emotional states. This research became the foundation for an
approach to all of medicine whereby fear of loss was seen, along
with other factors, as a fundamental cause of the clinical
manifestation of disease. The historian of medicine Theodore M.
Brown here tells the story of his career as emblematic of the rise
and fall of the psychodynamic approach to psychosomatic medicine
in America. |
Nash The Thinking Body: A
Feminist Revision of the Work of Melanie Klein PhD Thesis in
full |
Harris Williams 'The
Tiger and 'O' |
Waddell 'The Long Weekend' Essay Review of The Long Weekend 1897-1919: Part of a
Life by W. R. Bion |
Waddell 'Living
in Two Worlds: Psychodynamic Theory and Social Work Practice' |
Waddell and Gianna Williams 'Reflections
on Perverse States of Mind' |
Minsky 'Too Much of a Good
Thing: Control or Containment in Coping with Change' |
Minsky 'Beyond Nurture:
Finding the Words for Male Identity' |
Figlio 'Registration
and Ethics in Psychotherapy'
Figlio, Director of the University of Essex Centre for
Psychoanalytic Studies gave a most interesting paper to a
conference on debates about registration of psychotherapists in
Britain, mounted by the British Confederation of Psychotherapists
in June 1999. It is published in The British Journal of
Langs 'A Just
Peace for the Freud Wars' |
R. D.
Hinshelwood 'Alienation:
Social Relations and Therapeutic Relations' |
Felix de
Mendelssohn 'Building
a Bridge to Heaven: Notes on the Construction, Deconstruction and
Reconstruction of the Tower of Babel' |

R. D.
Hinshelwood 'Seventy-five
Years of Kleinian Writing 1920-1995: A Bibliography' |
Mary Ashwin '"...Against
all Other Virtue and Goodness": An Exploration of Envy in
Relation to the Concept of Sin'
Envy has always had a bad press. Of
all the negative traits or vices a person will own up to envy is the
least likely one that they will acknowledge. They may well admit,
with a deprecating grin, to being proud, greedy, covetous, lazy,
bad-tempered or promiscuous; but most will be chary of professing
their envy. Why is it that envy is so repugnant? I would suggest it
is to do with the understanding, conscious or not, that envy is so
bound up with a feeling of deficit. We envy what we do not have, not
what we have, though psychologically it might be said we can envy
what we have, but that we are unconscious of that asset.
Impoverishment both real and imagined, material and psychological is
implicit in envy. |
Wood, Review of Sister
Mary: A Story of a Healing Relationship by Nini Herman. Whurr
Publishers Ltd. London, 1999. |
Maria Migliavacca, 'Oedipus
and His Human Destiny'
The author presents an analysis of the Greek myth
of Oedipus, after Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. This analysis considers
that, in addition to an oracular destiny determined by deity,
Oedipus realizes his own human destiny, which is the very conquest
of the knowledge of his own identity. The author relates such a
conquest to the psychoanalytic work, which enables each individual
to get in touch with his deepest motivations and to develop a better
self-consciousness. Key-words: Myth. Greek mythology.
Psychoanalysis. |
Webart, 'Our Need of
Taboo: Pictures of Violence and Mourning Difficulties'
Contemporary pictures of man's violence and
sexuality destroy boundaries between "me" and
"not-me", fiction and reality, the portrayal and what is
being portrayed, good and evil, living and dead, human and
non-human, guarded by ancient taboos. This plays a part in our
longing to transgress the ego's boundaries. Descriptions of violence
and perversion may lead to traumatising intra-psychic consequences
if they penetrate the skin ego or contribute to its dissolution. The
presence of an intermediate Narrator, who is responsible for a
certain psychic pre-processing, may, on the contrary, contribute to
our leaving the role of the passive viewer and becoming an active
witness. Such accounts can help us to mourn and to accept the loss
of our infantile omnipotence. |
Lubbe, 'Victims, Perpetrators and
Healers at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Being in the
Same Boat'
The author was involved in some sessions of the
deliberations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South
Africa. He provides detailed reflections on the psychological,
social and political processes involved in these sessions, in
particular, what does not get said. |
Hand, 'Hedda Gabbler,
Psychoanalysis and the Space of (the) Play'
The established view of Hedda Gabler sees the play
as a study of the frustration and despair engendered in the
exceptional individual by a conventionalized society. In this
paper I present a psychoanalytic re-interpretation of the play which
in certain respects inverts this received reading. Insofar as
it does so, however, my interpretation is intended not to cancel the
received view but to play against it. The first section of the
paper is predominantly Freudian in approach. The second
section takes up certain Kleinian ideas which are broached in the
first, and explores them more fully. The third section
exploits some of Winnicott's key concepts, especially as they have
been elaborated by Christopher Bollas. The paper seeks to
enlarge our understanding of the
nature of Hedda Gabler's alienation and despair through a fresh
study of the dynamic structure of the play as a whole. I am
also suggesting that Ibsen should be seen as a major precursor both
of Freud and the object-relations tradition in psychoanalysis. |
Kahr, 'Ethical Dilemmas of the
Psychoanalytic Biographer: The Case of Donald Winnicott'
In this essay the author reflects on the issue of
disclosure versus discretion raised by distressing and unflattering
material about the subjects of psychoanalytic biography. He canvases
the issue across a wide range of biographies but focuses on the life
and work
of D. W. Winnicott. |
Glover, 'Psychoanalytic Aesthetics: The
British School'
The impact of British Psychoanalytic theory on our
aesthetics and criticism has not been explored in any systematic
way. This study aims to examine important theoretical developments
within the British School of Psychoanalysis, and the contribution of
these to psychoanalytic aesthetics - both within in the clinical and
non-clinical domain. A critical overview of the classical Freudian
aesthetics will form the background against which these subsequent
developments in British psychoanalysis shall be viewed. This study
aims to show that the dialogue between those clinicians such as
Melanie Klein, Hannah Segal, Wilfred Bion, Donald Meltzer, Donald
Winnicott and Marion Milner, and non-practitioners such as Adrian
Stokes, Anton Ehrenzweig, Peter Fuller, and Richard Wollheim, has
been extraordinarily fruitful in addressing the nature of artistic
creativity, aesthetics, and has significantly influenced critical
writing, particularly in the domain of the visual arts. It will be
argued that taken as a whole, their contributions represent the
development of a uniquely British psychoanalytic aesthetic, to be
distinguished from the American school of ego-psychology, on the one
hand, and the French tradition of Psychoanalysis, on the other. |
Kirsner, 'Life Among the Analysts'
Douglas Kirsner reflects on writing Unfree
Associations and sums up his conclusions from his
research. It will be published in Free Associations no. 43. |
H. Clark The Story of a Mental
Hospital: Fulbourn, 1858-1983 |
M. Young 'The
Messiness, Ambivalence and Conflict of Everyday Life' |
M. Young, 'Disappointment, Stoicism and
the Future of Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere'
This is a revised version of a short talk,
designed to stimulate debate, delivered to the opening plenary
session of the Tenth Annual Conference on Psychoanalysis and the
Public Sphere, November 1996. I consider what we have achieved in
the decade and then discuss the concept of disappointment and the
failures of process which have particularly troubled me. I also
consider the concept of stoicism and offer my own shopping list of
political tasks for the future.
This talk and one to come from Mike Rustin were
presented as keynote addresses to the 10th anniversary conference:
'The State that Psychoanalysis is In'. |
by Jo Nash Rozsika
Parker, Torn in Two: The Experience of
Maternal Ambivalence. London: Virago, 1995. Pp. 299. |
by Deborah Marks
Lennard J. Davis, Enforcing
Normalcy: Disability, Deafness and the Body London: Verso, 1995. |
by Paul Hoggett
Anton Obholzer & Vega Zagier Roberts, eds., The
Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organisational Stress in the
Human Services, London: Routledge, 1994. Pp.
xx+224. £14.99 |
Gordon Lawrence, 'The Presence of
Totalitarian States of Mind in Institutions'
The author reflects in his characteristically
broad and insightful way on the meaning of totalitarianism from the
point of view of the Tavistock group relations tradition of Bion et
al. This talk was given at a remarkable meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria
on the occasion of the founding of a new Group Relations Institute
in 1995. The essay will appear in a collection, - Group Relations:
An Introduction- (Process
Press, in press). |
Rustin and Andrew Cooper, 'Psychoanalysis
and the Public Sphere: The Project in Changing Times'
Final Plenary Discussion paper given at Ninth
Annual Conference, November 18-19, l995, at the University of East
London. This was written to provide an overview of the conference's
deliberations and to reflect on the position of psychoanalysis in
the broader culture. |
Eisold, 'Psychoanalysis Today:
Implications for Organizational Applications'
A Paper for the International Society for the
Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) International
Symposium, London, July 7-9, 1995. The author reflects on what
psychoanalysis is and isn't and on its application to organizations.
He opts for a rather less grand view than some other recent
commentators. Accepted for publication in Free Associations. |
Holland, 'Internet Regression'
The author reflects on some of the primitive
processes displayed in internet communications and relationships.
Accepted for Free Associations. |
M. Young, 'Psychoanalysis and/of the
Paper presented to ninth annual conference on
Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere', November 1995, University of
East London and expanded for other venues. Under consideration for Free
Associations. |
Minsky, 'Fragrant Theory: The Sweet
Scent of Signifiers'
This paper focuses on the recent academic emphasis
on culturalist and Lacanian psychoanalytic theory within humanities
departments in universities. It argues that an exclusive attention
to Lacan's version of psychoanalysis as the study of language fails
to make available to students the scope and richness of other areas
of psychoanalytic theory and in particular, Object-Relations theory,
which despite their theoretical incompatibilities, we can use
eclectically to gain insight into cultural phenomena. It argues that
an emphasis on language and signification to the exclusion of the
body and intuitive, empathic ways of being and knowing experienced
in the ore-Oedipal container-contained emotional relationship with
the mother, represents a deodorising of what psychoanalysis and
identity are all about. It suggests that academics who teach
psychoanalytic theory who, in contrast to psychotherapists, often
have no experience of the practice of psychoanalysis, may
unconsciously use theory omnipotently to maintain a sense that we
and culture are in control of who we are rather than, more
realistically, a complex web of cultural, biological and unconscious
factors. The paper concludes that given the enormous complexity of
what we call 'realty', we cannot afford, defensively, to make some
theories into the 'other' and thus reduce the eclectic range of
potential insights with which to address this complexity. |
J. Gould, Ph.D., 'Correspondence Between
Bion's Basic Assumption Theory and Klein's Developmental Positions:
an Outline'
While Bion's theory of basic assumptions in groups
is well known, the linkages and correspondences between his theory
and the Kleinian theory of development that he himself suggests -
specifically, with the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions,
and the early origins of the Oedipus complex - have never been
detailed. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to propose that
there are direct "binocular" correspondences between
Bion's baF and Klein's paranoid-schizoid positions, between baD and
the depressive position, and between baP and the early Oedipus
complex. It is argued that these correspondences are precisely what
Bion came to understand when he alluded to them in his introduction
to Experiences in Groups (1961). It is also suggested that
attempting to detail the Kleinian correspondences with Bion's
theories will stimulate further advances in the study of group life,
and that such advances are not likely to occur in their absence. |
Ingleby 'Ideology and the Human
Sciences: Some Comments on the Role of Reification in Psychology and
Psychiatry' 98K
This is a classic article, written by a
psychologist trained in the Department of Experimental Psychology at
Cambridge, who took up a critical stance and became a leading figure
in the movement to humanize psychology and psychiatry. It is a fine
example of an academic using all his training to think critically
about the assumptions of his own discipline. It first appeared in The
Human Context and was reprinted in a collection which was very
influential in the student movement, Trevor Pateman, ed., Counter
Course: An Handbook for Course Criticism, Penguin Education,
1972, pp. 51-81