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Lost for Words:
The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia
| Contents | Preface | Acknowledgements | Chapter: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Conclusion | References |
Sours, unlike other historians of eating disorders suggests evidence can be found for
anorexia as early as the eleventh century. He refers to Avicenna, a Persian physician and
philosopher, who treated a young prince who had anorexic symptoms and melancholia. His
delusional system was successfully broken through, and he recovered. (Sours 1980, p. 205).
Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia makes a convincing case that Catherine of Sienna
(1347-1380) was anorexic, if not anorexic bulimic. She made herself vomit, although she
did not apparently eat large amounts of food. Bell is sensitive to, and aware of the
dangers he faces in such an enquiry, not only in terms of the different cultural, societal
and psychological influences, but also because of the very nature of the material which he
is dealing with. Whether the 'holy women' of the thirteenth to fifteenth century did
suffer from bulimic anorexia is still being debated, (Bell, 1985
; Bynum, 1987;) not only
because of Bell's uncertainties, but because of an argument put forward by Brumberg, that
the symptom of restricted eating was only one component of a complex pattern of behaviour,
which included violence directed towards the self (
Brumberg, 1988).
This presupposes that
such behaviour is not part of the experience of late twentieth century anorexics and
bulimic anorexics. However, self harm is part of the behaviour of some anorexics and
anorexic bulimics. It may take the form of self mutilation, burning, cutting, scratching,
overexercising (which can lead to severe joint problems), laxative, diuretic or other drug
abuse. There are many different ways of inducing vomiting, from a simple clenching of the
stomach muscles to the use of knives and other objects - even fingernails may damage the
back of the throat, and the knuckles of the hands may be scraped by the teeth. There is
certainly no doubt that these medieval women fasted, vomited, were overactive and had
amenorrhea. They also gained political power and prestige by their actions (once they had
convinced those around them that they were neither witches, nor possessed by the devil).
Questions concerning the degree of body image distortion, the wish to remain thin and the
fear of becoming fat are all unanswerable. What was clear was the subjugation of the flesh
and a desire for spirituality and otherworldliness which was to be achieved through
starvation, and the physical destruction of the body. Many anorexics and anorexic bulimics
wish to destroy their bodies and yet preserve the fantasy of continued existence (Bruch,
; Palazzoli, 1978
). In this way a link is clear. The fantasy of immortality is as true
for some anorexics in the twentieth century as it was for those in the fifteenth century.
'Death becomes a logical, sweet and total liberation from the flesh' (Bell, 1985, p. 13).
Bell is writing about Cathering of Sienna, but the same words might well have applied to
Catherine Dunbar, an anorexic who starved herself to death in 1983 (Dunbar, 1986).
What has changed is how eating disorder's are understood. The meaning of the symptom of
self-starvation has shifted in society's eyes. Psychotherapists view these thoughts as
being psychotic delusions, whilst for the 'holy women' they were the source of the
prestige and power they had in their society. In the 1990s the context of religious
fanaticism is not a feature of anorexia, but physical fanaticism is - not only amongst
anorexics and bulimics. Some individuals become severely addicted to exercise and the
control they have over their body. Many women with whom I have worked would like a 'touch'
of anorexia. These may be women attending workshops on food and eating, fellow
psychotherapists and friends. Reports in the media suggest many are willing to pay high
prices for an ideal and young body - an idea taken to extremes in Robert Zemeckis' 1993
film, 'Death Becomes Her'
, where women keep their youthful bodies at the expense of
immortality. They never die. Young women are one of the fastest growing group of new
smokers. The wish to restrict their eating and their appetite is a large and accepted part
of their motivation (Evening Standard, 25th November 1993
). Plastic surgery,
liposuction and the prescription of drugs to speed up the metabolism, as well as the
multi-million pound business of diet food, drinks and books, suggests most of us share in
the unconscious phantasy of a perfect body leading to a perfect life.
The presence or absence of unconscious rather than conscious death wish phantasies
cannot be worked out in retrospect in relation to Medieval female religious fanatics. The
symptom picture is not clear enough, and their families, lives and individual histories
cannot subsitute for working with an individual psychodynamically. The impact, influence
and effect of their culture and their society on them as individuals is also hard to
determine. From the time of Morton (1689)
onwards, a clear and relatively stable symptom
picture of anorexia has existed. Surprisingly little has changed over time, although some
shifts have occurred between the categories, and some symptoms have left the diagnostic
picture altogether, but this does not mean they are not clinically in evidence. Morton, in
his Pathisologica or a Treatise on Consumption
, written in 1689, documented two
cases of anorexia and described them as 'a nervous atrophy, a consumption of mental
origin, without fever or dyspepsia, with the symptomology of food avoidance, amenorrhea,
lack of appetite, constipation, extreme emaciation, and over activity' (p. 206). He
recognised the mental origin, the severe weight loss, amenorrhea and over-activity. This
symptom picture remained constant over the next two-hundred years or so. Some clinicians
noticed the presence of vomiting in their patients and some did not. Lasègue was
criticised for failing to recognise the primacy of amenorrhea. He also dismissed the
presence of vomiting in the anorexics he saw. 'There is neither vomiting nor any real
desire to vomit even in extreme cases, the patient only asserting that a degree beyond
would induce this' (Lasègue, 1873
, pp. 146-7). Most recognised the non-physical nature of
the disorder and the powerful influence of the mother on the patient.
Bulimic symptoms were recognised from early on, as was binge eating but what was not
seen was the distortion of body image and the fear of becoming fat that informs so much of
how eating disorders are understood today. Starving was not connected in their minds to
bingeing. Sollier (1891)
and Charcot (1889)
both recognised a desire to be thin - one half
of the fear of becoming fat - in anorexics, but Gilles de la Tourette
was the first
clinician to recognise that although sufferers refused to eat, there was not a loss of
appetite, both perceptions of food and the body were distorted. He was the first to
correct the misnomer of anorexia; he rechristened it 'anorexia gastrique'.
From the late nineteenth century onwards attempts were made to understand anorexia in
terms of physical illness. Both Gull and Lasègue initially attempted to find a physical
cause for anorexia. In reports in the Lancet Gull linked it to a gastric
nervous malfunction, and similarly Lasègue (1873)
believed it was related to a
malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence or absence of constipation as a
symptom of anorexia does not have the relevance which it had in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries, although peculiar eating habits, or non-habits do effect the
digestive tract, as does the psychological state of the patient. The intestinal focus on
constipation in anorexics has perhaps been supplanted by an interest in the taking of
laxatives and diuretics by anorexic bulimics and bulimics, which causes diarrhoea and can
lead to severe constipation and permanent damage of the gastrointestinal tract. Whether
this has taken place cannot be determined until the abuse of laxatives is discontinued. The
symbolic meaning, or the frequency of the taking of enemas in the context of eating
disorders has not been explored, but physically the delicate balance of the
gastrointestinal tract can be adversely effected by this procedure. Constipation,
bloating and chronic wind are seen more as symptoms of recovery once eating has been
resumed, rather than as being part of the primary picture, amongst the bulimic groups.
The complex interaction between eating behaviour, physical symptoms and psychological
and emotional states was dispensed with by many when Maurice Simmonds, a pathologist at
St. George's Hospital in Hamburg, suggested that emaciation could be the result of
pituitary destruction or deficiency (Simmonds, 1914, 1916
.) For the next twenty years many
anorexics were diagnosed as suffering from panhypopituitarism and were treated with
extracts from the pituitary gland. Simmonds' findings were misleading and meant that by
1916 most cases of anorexia were treated as physical disorders. The concept of Simmonds'
disease was challenged in the 1930s,
In 1936, Ryle
demonstrated that psychosexual trauma could lead to amenorrhea. His
psycho-endocrine thesis was further elaborated by Reifenstien
in 1946, when the latter
described several cases of amenorrhea demonstrably due to psychophysiological causes. This
research clearly established that developmental traumas and interferences, as well as
psychosocial stress, can alter hormone patterns and secretions and led to a burgeoning of
interest in the psychobiology of anorexia nervosa (Sours, 1980,
p. 210).
This discovery led to a renewed search for understanding the links between anorexia,
the individual and society, however the dehumanization of eating disorder patients and
their symptoms is a trend that chillingly continues today:
The investigation of structural brain abnormalities in patients with bulimia nervosa is
a continuing topic of current psychiatric research... Research by Lautenbacher, Galfe,
Hoelzl and Prike (1989)
on similar lines, revealed delayed gastrointestinal transit in a
sample of patients with bulimia (Parry Jones, 1991, p. 140
Alternative Psychoanalytic Understandings of Symptoms
Eating disorders may be seen as psychosomatic illnesses; indeed, Kaufman and Heiman see
anorexia as paradigmatic in The Evolution of Psychosomatic Concepts; Anorexia Nervosa,
A Paradigm,
which they edited in 1964. This does not, however, alter the basic
question which remains: how are symptoms described, and what are the meanings that are
attached to them? The bulk of the literature on eating disorders originates in the United
States where the majority of therapists are ego psychologists, following on in the
tradition of Anna Freud, as interpreted by Kris (1950)
, Lowenstein (1951)
, Hartman (1958)
and Rappaport (1960)
. The two main strands represented in working with eating disorders
are those who use a conflictual model (Sperling, 1978
; Wilson et al., 1985, 1992
and those who follow a Kohutian deficit model (Goodsitt, 1983, 1985
; Swift and Letven,
). For the former group, a symptom 'is viewed as the end product of a complex
developmental series of childhood wishes and fantasies, and defensive transfigurations and
revision' (Schwartz, 1988
, p. 36). It remains firmly in the hands of the instincts,
particularly the sex drive. According to the ego psychologists a symptom represents a
repressed wish and denial of that wish, as can be seen with Freud's understanding of
hysterical vomiting quoted below. For Kohut and his followers eating disorders are
understood as a way to supply missing self-object functions (Brenner, 1983
; Geist, 1985
Gehrie, 1990
; Sands, 1991
). In many ways this comes close to an object relations approach,
and is a very persuasive way of working with eating disordered patients. Susan Sand's
paper on 'Bulimia, Dissociation and Empathy: A Self-Psychological View'
(1991) is
extremely clear and persuasive, but its emphasis seems to me to fail to give due attention
to the violence of the unconscious phantasies of patients and to the importance of coming
to terms with adult sexuality and some kind of a working through of the Oedipal situation.
I shall look at the understandings of bulimia and anorexia from these points of view
before moving on to an object relations approach as understood by the Kleinian school,
where the symptom is seen as occurring within, and emerging as, part of a phantasy
(fantasy with a 'ph' always meaning it is unconscious) of an internal object relationship.
Accordingly, a symptom is understood as being an expression of an object relationship,
rather than being set off by sexual or aggressive drives, although aggression and
sexuality may well feature amongst other emotions in the complicated nature of the
exchange. This way of understanding anorexic and bulimic symptoms anchors them in the
primitive internal world of object relations, unconscious phantasy, primitive anxieties,
and pathological narcissism that Kleinians believe occur from birth onwards, unlike the
ego psychologists, for whom object relations do not occur until nine months or so (Mahler et
al., 1975
Although the ego psychologists call anorexia a psychosomatic illness, their Oedipal and
libidinal understanding of the symptom suggests they see it as conversion hysteria. This
is strongly argued against by Christopher Dare: 'Psychosomatic symptoms are not hysterical
conversions; the elucidation of the fantasies with which the physical symptoms are
associated in the patients mind do not reliably provide relief from the symptoms' (Dare,
, p. 12). Despite these objections, a great deal of work on understanding anorexic and
bulimic symptoms has been explored in terms of a regression from the Oedipus complex -
both positive and negative - and it this territory that I shall look at first.
Psychological Understandings of Anorexia
Prior to the development of psychoanalytic ways of thinking, it was acknowledged that
anorexia was an illness whose origins lay in feelings and the mind, rather than being
biologically determined. As we have seen Morton
, as early as 1689, not only provided an
accurate description of anorexic symptomology but also recognised its psychological
origins. Gull (1873)
and Lasègue (1873)
moved from a purely biological to a psychological
understanding. As Kaufman and Heiman (1964
, p. 142) have observed, 'Lasègue was
so impressed with psychological factors in control of appetite that he tried to explain
even the voraciousness of the diabetic as being of psychological origin'.
From the late eighteenth century, the psychological influence of the mother was seen as
being a major, although rather mysterious, part of the problem (Nandeau, 1789
; Gull, 1873
Lasègue, 1873
; Charcot, 1889
). The historical emergence of the primacy of the
mother-child relationship and the relevance of the pathology of the mother is explored in
more detail in the chapter on transitional phenomena.
Classical Freudians
Freud (1899)
, Osler (1912)
and Riddle (1914)
took a different tack and linked bulimic
symptoms of food cravings and vomiting to hysteria, which, despite Gull and Lasegue's
earlier objections, continued to be seen as the aetiology of anorexia. In his Three
Essays on The Theory of Sexuality Freud (1905)
brings nourishment and sexuality firmly
together; they are only separated once weaning occurs. He says of the first psycho-sexual
phase, the oral phase:
The first of these is the oral or, as it might be called, cannibalistic pregenital
sexual organization. Here sexual activity has not yet been separated from the ingestion of
food; nor are opposite currents within the activity differentiated. The object of both
activities is the same; the sexual aim consists in the incorporation of the object - the
prototype of a process which, in the form of identification, is later to play such an
important psychological part (Freud, 1905, p. 337).
The possible divergence of two lines of thought about the meaning of symptoms can be
traced from this quote. Does the taking in of nourishment remain for eating disorder
patients as a sexually driven activity, or is it a prototype of a way of object relating
based on introjective identification, or is it both?
Freud refers to hysterical vomiting in his case history of Dora and in a letter to
Because in phantasy she is pregnant, because she is so insatiable that she cannot put
up with not having a baby by her last phantasy-lover as well. But she must vomit too
because in that case she will be starved and emaciated, and will lose her beauty and no
longer be attractive to anyone. Thus the sense of the symptom is a contradictory pair of
wish-fulfilments (Freud, 1899
, p. 278).
It is clear that he does not view it as being a fixation at the oral stage but rather
as a defensive regression against positive Oedipal wishes.
Freud recognised the displacement of genital wishes to the mouth and the unconscious
existence of the mouth-vagina equation. Jones (1927)
went one step further and recognised
the mouth-anus-vagina equation. These conceptualisations, particularly the former, have
been used by many as a template to understand anorexia and bulimia throughout the
twentieth century (Greenacre, 1950, 1952
; Fraiberg, 1972
; Sperling, 1973
The transformation of a conflict on the genital level to a conflict on an oral basis is
part of the ego's effort to gain mastery over a genital conflict by a change of venue, so
to speak, by shifting the struggle to a safer, more familiar and more controllable ground
(Ritvo, 1984,
p. 454).
It provides an accessible route to one way of understanding anorexia as being a defence
against a wish for impregnation.
Following Freud's earlier reasonings, Waller, Kaufman and Deutsch (1940)
, in a classic
paper, elaborated in much greater detail the nature of the particular oral phantasy which
they felt was present in anorexia: 'Anorexics have psychological factors that have a
specific constellation centring around the symbolization of pregnancy fantasies involving
the gastrointestinal tract' (Waller, Kaufman and Deutsch, 1940, p. 260). Their
understanding is also of relevance to anorexic bulimics and to those normal weight
bulimics who do have amenorrhea.
We see then, a syndrome the main symptoms of which represent an elaboration and acting
out in the somatic sphere of a specific type of fantasy. The wish to be impregnated
through the mouth which results, at times, in compulsive eating, and at other times, in
guilt and consequent rejection of food, the constipation symbolizing the child in the
abdomen and the amenorrhea as the direct psychological repercussion of pregnancy
fantasies. This amenorrhea may also be part of the direct denial of genital sexuality (ibid., p. 272).
The complicated nature of the defences, displacements and hidden gratification of
wishes is well described by Schwartz.
To the child and the unconscious, food is the paternal phallus, ingestion of which
undoes castration and conceives the oedipal baby (Waller et al., 1940
, Lorand, 1943
Leonard, 1944
; Sylvester, 1945
; Blos, 1974
). The incorporative act of eating-gorging
contains the desire for abdominal distension and impregnation, the defence of upward
displacement with oral submission to mother, and the punishment of physical revulsion. The
expulsive act of vomiting desexualises the receptive wish, symbolically rejects and
restores the ingested phallus-baby, sadistically punishes the thwarting object, and
masochistically relieves the guilt evoked by the desire to castrate and possess father
(Masserman, 1941
; Leonard, 1944; Kestenberg, 1968
) (Schwartz, 1988
, p. 39).
To Have a Penis?
Following this line of thought the question then arises as to the role of father's
penis and what it means in phantasy for the female child to have a penis. Is it a wish for
a baby from father, which is unconsciously meant to equal a penis, as in the classical
understanding of the positive Oedipus complex? Or is it about wishing to have a penis, to
identify with the masculine, in effect, to take up what Freud referred to as the negative
Oedipal position, a position developmentally prior to the positive Oedipal position? If it
is positive, then the wish to replace mother and have a child from father is paramount. If
it is negative, the anorexic, or bulimic identifies with the father and wishes to compete
phallically with him for the possession and sexual control of mother (Lampl-de Groot, 1927
Deutsch, 1930, 1932, 1944, 1945
; Freud, 1931
; Brunswick, 1940
; Nagera, 1975
). Masserman
gives an example of such a patient whose fantasies centred around the acquisition of a
penis. She had her periods but was of a relatively low weight, and binged and vomited; she
was probably a bulimic:
At this time the material also began to deal with the specific nature of her
incorporative desires toward men, namely, to acquire their penises as a symbol of the
masculinity desired by her mother and thereby eliminate them as competitors and displace
them homosexually in her mother's affections (Masserman, 1941
, p. 330).
In Psychoanalytic Theories of Development: An Integration Tyson & Tyson
suggest that not all girls go through the negative oedipal complex prior to a
positive one as Freud thought. They have argued that if it occurs, it occurs after the
positive stage and suggests disturbed object relations based on wanting to control mother
and deny triangulation. This point is linked to perversion by Prophecy Coles.
I believe Freud was correct when he said some girls are unable to face the unpalatable
fact that they have no penis. They continue to enact their "masculine life" and
maintain their original relationship to their mother because their rage against her is too
great. In this refusal to give up their "masculine life" we see a sexualisation
of aggression that is both intense and compelling (Coles, 1989,
p. 146).
This suggests there may be a refusal to acknowledge the presence and potency of father
in relation to both self and mother. His separateness and his function as part of a
copulating couple is to be denied.
To Be a Penis?
Bearing the presence of identification with a masculine ideal in mind, Abraham (1924)
suggested that the body itself, by its very thinness, becomes identified with the penis.
This idea was taken a step further by Lewin (1933)
, who saw vomiting as being a partial
identification with an ejaculating, urinating phallus. Sperling (1983)
, Wilson (1983)
Sarnoff (1983)
saw the flat stomach of the anorexic as being a retreat to a phallic ideal,
which was a defence against the feminine wish to be made pregnant by father in phantasy
and therefore having to compete with mother. Masserman (1941)
and Leonard (1944)
described as central the conflicts of assuming a female role. Schwartz (1988)
is one of
the few authors who distinguishes between anorexics and normal weight bulimics. He makes
the point that although normal weight bulimics have masculine identifications and ideals,
they recognise that they do not have a penis, however much they may want one. He contrasts
this to anorexics, who by their starving become a penis in phantasy so doing away with
father, or the need for a man altogether. This suggests that the distinction is between
wishing to compete with father in order to replace him in mother's bed and affections by
having a penis, as Masserman (1941) thought, or omnipotently wishing to control mother by
becoming a penis, in effect, eliminating all knowledge of father and the possibility of
To Avoid Being Either a Man or a Woman
This confusion of gender identity and the possibility of simultaneously holding two
positions is reminiscent of Aristophanes, who suggested that originally there were three
sexes, not two, as Freud thought. There were not only men and women but also a man and a
woman combined. In my clinical experience many bulimics and anorexics attempt to postpone
indefinitely the realisation of which sex they belong to, as though it was a decision that
could be made by choice alone. They attempt to identify with being both male and female
and so imagine they can provide everything for themselves. A retreat into this particular
form of narcissism can be seen in some patients, whereas in others an earlier form seems
to be present, where the very knowledge of a separate existence from mother is not allowed
to reach consciousness. I shall return to this later. As Harvey Schwartz
has suggested:
Thus, the stereotyped ritual of gorging on food and forcing one's finger down the
throat to induce regurgitation represents in part a simultaneous identification with both
parents of the primal scene with an acting out on one's own body of the imagined role of
the sadistic phallic father and castrated suffering mother. This defensive bisexual
identification denies the humiliation of primal-scene exclusion, undoes
"castration" and reverses passive (masochistic) oedipal impregnation wishes
(1988, p. 40).
Alternating identification with one parent and the other has been reported by Karol
in regard to asthma patients. Both Moulton (1942)
and Sperling (1983)
the masturbatory aspect of the bulimic ritual.
Not Oedipal but Pre-Oedipal
This seems to suggest that what matters is being in charge, in control of both parents.
No freedom or creativity between self and a parent, or between parents, is allowed. The
problems of the unresolved pre-Oedipal relationship to the mother becomes explosive in
relation to mother and father during adolescence. It is not just about having sexual
intercourse, but is also about how anorexics and bulimics perceive of their role and
others in relationships. The interest of many clinicians from Jessner and Abse (1960)
Palazzoli (1978)
, Sprince (1984)
, Boris (1984a, 1984b, 1988)
, Mushatt (1992)
and Wilson
, moved from looking at anorexic and bulimic behaviour as representing repressed
sexual and aggressive drives at an Oedipal level, to looking at the much earlier
pre-Oedipal mother-child relationship. This paralleled a shift from drives to looking at
what bulimic and anorexic symptoms were representing in terms of very early object
relationships, where the mode of relating is based on control and survival (in Kleinian
terms the powerful feelings of the paranoid-schizoid position).
The concrete nature of the thought of bulimics and anorexics and their omnipotent wish
to control important objects in their lives is clear in some of their reported fantasies.
noted, 'On the one hand, she wanted to come between them and have exclusive
possession of each. She couldn't, she insisted, face the idea of her mother or myself
being part of a sexual couple. "It makes me feel ill"'(1989, p. 118).
This is graphically illustrated by a male patient, who imagined being in his parents
bed 'lying between them, with his father's penis in his rectum, and his own penis in his
mother's rectum - a blissful state of complete union and sole possession of both parents'
(Mushatt, 1992
, p. 304). I would disagree with Mushatt: far from blissful, this fantasy
could be construed as hopeless, claustrophobic, immobilising and omnipotent - illustrating
the perverse desire to deny separation, sexual difference and triangular relationships.
We are getting further and further from classical thoughts on the Oedipus Complex and
nearer to a recognition that perhaps the difficulties are more accurately portrayed as
being part of the mother-daughter relationship. The scenes above are not apparently about
reproductive sexuality; they are about control, power and immobility, rather than
creativity. Palazzoli
wrote 'The sexual problem is not the basic one. All my women
patients were fixated at the pre-genital levels' (1978, p. 76). The Kleinian understanding
of part objects and Oedipal relationships creates a soup rather than a linear
developmental path, with oral, anal, phallic and genital overlapping and interlocking in
ever-fluctuating combinations.
The lack of differentiation between self and mother and vice-versa forms the basic
building blocks for understanding both anorexia and bulimia. This is, of course, a
description of Klein's (1946)
narcissistic state. The focus has moved from oral
impregnation fantasies to failures to achieve adequate separation-individuation from
mother. This narcissistic difficulty means, in turn, that negotiating Oedipal issues -
whether they be seen in a Freudian or Kleinian light - is going to be problematic for
these patients.
Problems of Separation-Individuation
The eating disordered individual's relationship to her mother has been strangely absent
from the story up to now. Penises and pregnancy phantasies, wishing to replace father or
to have or become a penis have been examined. The child's earlier relationship to mother
has been in the background, not the foreground, yet eating may not be a substitute for the
penis, or for a baby: it may be about eating. Eating originally was about eating mother
and not knowing where mother began and baby ended. To understand something of object
relations we need to go back to the beginning where symbolic equations reigned unopposed:
food = mother and mother = food. The concrete nature of this statement is where the
trouble starts. Before a baby can become separate from mother he or she has to recognise
that mother is other than herself or himself. Kleinian theory suggests that from birth
onwards we have phantasies - unconscious ones, many-layered and multitudinous, stemming
from our experiences of our bodies, and this colours how we understand and expect to
relate in the real world. We begin by having extremely good and extremely bad phantasies
about our mother's body, bits and pieces of it. In the babies mind these experiences are
split into two, good experiences and bad experiences, or put another way, an excellent
mother who meets our needs and a vicious angry mother who abandons us and does not meet
our needs. In phantasy there are two separate people: one whom we have to protect
ourselves from in order to survive, the other who provides us with all we need and could
ever want.
According to Kleinian theory destructive impulses of our own are projected into mother
in order to be rid of these painful and difficult feelings. Mother, in phantasy, then
becomes furious and potentially retaliatory. The filter becomes an angry and destructive
one. Waller et al., (1940)
, Lorand (1943)
and Hogan (1992)
suggested that the
Oedipal castration wishes were so strong, due to the intensity of the child's early oral
struggles and the strength of their sadism and aggression. This can be understood as
suggesting the proliferation of violent, destroying and destructive internal part-object
relationships, at the level of unconscious phantasy. What is vital for successful
development is the predominance of good experiences over bad ones, so that when it is
realised that mother is but one person, a good and bad mother, good prevails internally.
The emergence of concern for the other person surfaces as the good has to be protected
from the bad. This is the depressive position. Survival as the aim is superseded.
For this to occur, good experiences have to have been allowed and to have been
successfully taken in the first place. Kleinians believe that we carry an internal picture
of the world, full of part and whole objects to which we relate, and it is this picture,
this unconscious filter, through which we see and experience the world and every situation
with which we come in contact.
Anorexic behaviour has been understood as being about pathological narcissism, where
not only is mother not recognised as being separate from the child, but she is thought to
have nothing to offer. Primary envy is seen as so pernicious that it destroys all
knowledge, awareness of a good breast, because knowledge of it would mean the recognition
of something good outside of person her/himself, which would be intolerable. This is how
anorexic and bulimic behaviour is understood by Boris (1984a, 1984b, 1988)
. Anorexics
become omnipotent in order to survive, as the knowledge of there being anything good which
is not in their possession is unbearable. The breast is rubbished until there is little
that could be got from it. Instead 'less' becomes 'more', to avoid wanting becomes the
clue to existence. To have others want, to be devoid of desire is the aim: to be anorexic.
In phantasy, 'no needs' means no separation, for being entirely self-sufficient prevents
any awareness of dependency needs in relation to the self. If desire does not exist,
mother unconsciously need not exist. The connection of both birth and early nurturing and
dependence can be denied. Unconsciously, for many anorexics food still concretely equals
mother. Food is the substitute for a longing for fusion, a longing for mother. If the
desire was known, then the only result would be enslavement to mother and food. By
starving it need never be known. Implicit in Boris's idea of an anorexic's internal world
is the presence of a mother who enslaves, who does not want to be separate from her child
and cannot bear to know about her neediness. I will return to this later.
sees it somewhat differently, implying that all connections are likely to fail
because envy must not be experienced, yet paradoxically connections and links are
continually sought but must never be found:
To my mind, there is a form of envy, which operates by promoting unawareness of the
source of pleasure and of pleasure itself so as to be defended against an awareness of
envy. The enjoyment giving object is then neither recognised properly nor separated from.
Nor will the specificity of the object be noticed or acknowledged, which leads to further
strange searchings for a possible repetition' (1985, p. 51).
What is being put forward is that anorexics and bulimics cannot separate from their
mothers as their envy of the breast is too great, that to know of this envy would destroy
them and their mother, and so in phantasy they possess, control or become mother. An
excess of envy is so powerful in Kleinian thought that it prevents the necessary splitting
into very good and very bad that is essential for early object relating and growth.
Nothing good can be tolerated. There is, I think, something missing here. Unconscious envy
may be an element in the difficulties anorexic and bulimic women experience, as may
extreme destructive feelings, but by only looking through the filter of the child,
the impact of the movements, feelings and actions of the mother seem to fade into relative
insignificance. This is not to deny the existence of envy and profound destructive
feelings in these patients. What we have to do in order to present a more balanced picture
is to enter the arena of muddle between mother and child, where who is who is uncertain.
To lay the blame on innate envy or on the mother is neither appropriate nor helpful. The
complicated nature of the entwined relationship of mother and child is what needs to be
looked at if work with these patients is to be productive.
The bewildering nature of apparently self-destructive omnipotence has already been
noted amongst early religious martyrs. Can wilful starvation be understood? Normal weight
bulimics rarely suffer from the severity of body image distortion which anorexics and
anorexic bulimics do (Schwartz, 1988
). They rarely die. Death is much lower down their
unconscious agenda, although the incidence of conscious depression and suicidal
inclinations is much higher in this group. Are anorexics actually trying to kill
themselves? Charcot thought so in 1889
, as did Janet in 1929
and Lorand in 1943
. Janet
believed it was a response to a rejection, whilst Charcot and Lorand clearly attributed it
to something that was taking place in the mother-daughter interaction, as did Nandeau
some hundred years earlier in 1789. What it was that was deleterious in the
mother-daughter relationship was not explored. Palazzoli (1978)
thought that anorexics
identified their physical selves with the bad mother, who then threatened to destroy or
overwhelm them from within when they ate. Starvation was for them a way of attempting to
avoid, deny and control the bad mother. Yet because of the paranoid-schizoid state they
were in, they forgot - were blind to - the impossibility of starving mother without
starving themselves. Joyce McDougall
, in her book Theatres of the Body
speaks of a
patient with severe psychosomatic symptoms who believed that by physically damaging her
body she could concretely disprove the belief that her body was her mother's body, and if
she separated from it she would die (1989 p. 141). Cecil Mushatt sees it differently:
There are instances when the rejection of food expresses the fantasy of omnipotence and
invulnerability because of the unconscious fantasy of complete union with mother. Because
of this symbolic fantasy, there is no need to eat. To eat food is to acknowledge the fact
of separation and of one's mortal being (Mushatt, 1992
, p. 309).
Death simply does not exist. Yet it does. This is an alternative understanding of no
needs meaning no separation, as described in Harold Boris's 1984 papers, referred to
and Bruch
described anorexia as being a particular psychosis, mid-way between
the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions. This is now taken up by the concept of
the pathological organisation (Steiner, 1993
). I do not think all anorexics and anorexic
bulimics are in the thrall of a pathological organisation, but some certainly are. Ellen
, (Binswanger, 1944)
seems from her diaries and letters to have inhabited such a
position, to the degree where her idealisation of death, aided and abetted by an internal
gang (Rosenfeld, 1971
) overran and overpowered her wish for life until she felt she had no
option but to commit suicide.
For some anorexics there seem to be only two options, - madness or death. Fenichel
recognised that anorexia could be a defence against psychosis. Eglé Laufer
that questioning a delusional belief system which operates around the body may lead to a
psychotic breakdown.
Any demand on the psyche for change of the body image... can become a threat to the
person's ability to relate to the external world in an undistorted form, resulting in a
psychotic breakdown (Laufer, 1991
, p. 68).
Eating disorder case histories frequently include Christian imagery of attaining the
status of pure spirit by shedding the shackles of the body (e.g., Hogan, 1983
; Wilson,
; Wooley and Wooley, 1985
). An extraordinarily powerful wish for, and sense of,
detachment from the physical realm contributes to the common delusion among severely
anorexic individuals that radical weight loss will not bring death: The body will die, but
not the core self (Cross, 1993
, p. 60).
Many anorexics feel superior and powerful because of their ability to deny their own
needs, and so assume they are fundamentally different from other individuals. Omnipotence
is about power and control and Palazzoli adds the effect of impact on the 'other' to the
anorexics fantasy of immortality.
To begin with, she is prey to a most disastrous Cartesian dichotomy: she believes
that her mind transcends her body and that it grants her unlimited power over her own
behaviour and that of others (Palazzoli, 1978
, p. 223).
I shall look at this inability to know people as people in the next chapter, whilst not
denying the validity of the above approaches. The above examples are taken from individual
work with patients where the understanding comes out of the work itself. What I think may
be a general trend is the tendency to focus on the narcissistic elements of the anorexic's
or bulimic's behaviour. This, in turn, leads to a collusive focus between patient and
therapist away from object relating as such. It is this lack which I wish to redress. In
order to do this, I want to look at mother, her unconscious and its impact on her child.
Did I Have a Good Enough Childhood?
Babies do have to be cared for physically and emotionally. There is a reality of
experience which these women have undergone and which is I think not given enough
importance by Boris
or Sohn
. Mothering is not always good enough. Bruch
stressed the real
deprivations and deficits which the future anorexic suffered as a child. She led the way
forward for the self psychologists such as Goodsitt (1983, 1985)
and Swift and Letven
who took her ideas about the failure of these children to recognise and interpret
internal signals and external stimuli one step further. They saw over-stimulation as
triggering off bulimic and anorexic episodes which prevented anxieties of an annihilatory
nature coming to the fore. This theme was also taken up by Krueger (1988) who saw the
excessive over activity of anorexics as a way of holding their physical and psychical
selves together. Bruch saw this failure as belonging to the parents; the child had not
been shown how to know, name, or recognise her internal states. Bruch's work with these
patients remained firmly in the conscious realm, but she was perhaps one of the first
practitioners to recognise the terror beneath the facade of confidence and insouciance
which many anorexics, in particular, present. These models have important implications for
the technique of working with this group of patients - of the intricate attention which
has to be given to the awareness and naming of patient's internal states - as far as this
is possible. This recognition of the presence of powerful psychotic anxieties in eating
disorder patients in general, is vital, as is the recognition of the failure of effective
In the next chapter I wish to focus more on the mother's unconscious phantasies and
conscious fantasies to show how they may impact on her daughter, using Winnicott
's ideas
of transitional objects and phenomena. They are connected. A number of possibilities about
the meanings of anorexia and bulimia have been proposed. Questions remain. What is it
about the nature of the mother-child relationship that has meant separation is so hard? Is
it, as has been suggested by Freud
and others, a question of the an unwillingness to
compete with mother, to face the Oedipal situation in a straightforward way? Is it to do
with the presence of intense envy in the patient, which prevents separation from mother,
for separation would mean having to experience the envy which in phantasy only leads to
Hilde Bruch'
s extensive experience with anorexic patients, and the awareness of the
failure of ability to regulate affect are, I think, cornerstones to working with all
groups of eating disordered patients. Her clinical experience is closest to my own, yet
the annihilatory fears and presence of powerful destructive phantasies seem better fitted
to a modern Kleinian technique where the deepest anxieties are interpreted and explored
from moment to moment within the session. Both Bruch
and her followers, I think, fail in
practice to address the power of the negative forces and how they limit and indeed
sometimes put these patients' lives at risk.
An alternative description would be to use the model of pathological narcissism, which
seems only a small step removed from the idealisation of the death instinct and
pathological organisations. Lorand (1943)
noted the unconscious death wish fantasies of
the mother towards the child and finally added that the whole problem centred around the
fact that his patient had been unwanted. I want to take Bruch
's work on the mother, from
the arena of the conscious into the unconscious. I hope that it is here that the missing
piece of the puzzle may be found. If it is, it should expand our understanding of how
psychotherapists work with these patients and give a wider canvas from which to draw
individual understandings. I now want to turn to the mother, her pathology, and its
possible effect on her foetus, her baby, her child and the eating disordered patient.