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Robert M. Young Online Writings
by Robert M Young
I have been asked to speak to this conference as a representative of
the Radical Science Journal Collective. I'll begin by offering a summary of what I hope to
convey, in the form of replies to the questions on the conference poster. First, 'Is
scientific and technological knowledge ideological?' Yes, but putting it that baldly
confuses most people, so we need to express it better. Second, 'Are some areas of science
more determined by capitalism than others? No, but the determinations operates in
very different ways at different levels in particular disciplines. Third, 'How should this
presumably the answers to the above questions affect political struggles in
these areas?' Reply: By getting us out of a scientistic ghetto and integrating our
politics of science with a much more sophisticated understanding of class struggle in our
own class fraction, based on marxist theory and practice.
The Story So Far It is now four and half years since the last large BSSRS conference,
which asked, 'Is There a Socialist Science?', and where members of the RSJ Collective
contributed several papers, all concerned with advocating a marxist approach to the
content and to the social relations in science to get beyond the distinction between
science and society. The position we took up was opposed on several grounds: (1) that it was too theoretical and inaccessible to ordinary
scientists; (2) that it made insufficient contact with working class struggles and
the trades union movement; (3) that it was idealist.There have been a number of alternative approaches to ours in and
around the radical science movement which have not, on the whole, taken account of a wide
debate about science and technology, scientific and technological rationality and the role
of experts, which has been taking place on the left and in the general culture. One such
position is positivist marxist that science is a progressive force, that we need
more of it and that it provides a model for society. Manifestly anti-progressive sciences
and findings are attributed to the work of assholes conducting pseudoscience. A variant of
the positivist position is one which keeps the content of science inviolate but which
concentrates on the vigilant control of its uses and abuses. This view corresponds to a
sharp separation between science and technology. There is also a diminishing tendency to
treat the substance of technology as neutral but to want to monitor its applications. I
shall revert to this use/abuse model later but for now only want to mention a more
flexible variant. This third position is sometimes called the 'modified use/abuse' model.
It employs a sliding scale of ideological contamination within a given discipline and
between disciplines, with the degree of contamination depending on capital's stake in the
topic and/or its distance from trustworthy physico-chemical explanations.The RSJ collective has consistently argued that marxism as applied to
science and technology addresses the problem of their social relations at a deeper level.
We argued at the 'socialist science' conference that it was time to move on from an
amalgam of liberalism and radicalism to marxism, from defence to offence, from science and
socialism to socialist science, struggling against the hegemony of existing science with
counter-hegemonic research and social relations. Those arguments were made in headier
times with the sixties still a bright memory. In these more sombre days we'd argue again
that it is time to move on. It is time to recontextualise the science/ideology problem
within a labour process perspective attempting to bring science and other kinds of
production and reproduction into one interpretive framework. It is time to concentrate on
how knowledge and technology are constituted, that is, where capital's values and needs
enter into the constitution of science and technology, exposing that constitutive role.
Above all, it is time to seek out the places where capital can be contested. The process
by which the evaluative/ideological dimension enters into the production of science and
technology is an excellent place for demystifying knowledge, but it may not be the locus
most amenable to contestation. This will have to be discovered by close analysis of the
labour process of scientific work, seeking out its vulnerabilities to transformation along
the lines of socialist social relations challenging hierarchies, authoritarianism,
sexism, differentials, struggling for fully collective and open processes for setting
tasks and goals.The process during which capital's values, needs, goals enter the
labour process of scientific research is in the origination of questions; in technology it
is in the assignments for research and development; in medicine it is in research in the
drug, surgical and medical domains, where treatments and procedures are created. The
process of origination may seem a strange place to conduct struggles, involving an
unpromising constituency one which seems least amenable to socialist priorities and
risk-taking in careers. We are in the heartland of the upwardly socially mobile
professional managerial class fraction in science, technology and medicine. But the point
of application is proving even less promising, since so many of the spaces for
contestation are closed up tight by the time new technologies, findings, theories and
procedures come on stream.The RSJ position has always been based on treating ideology as
fundamental not a factor, not a contaminant, not intruding from the social context
but constitutive. It doesn't only influence the choice of topic, the sorts of questions
asked and the kinds of answers which will count as answers. All of these criteria
are shaped by ideological considerations, but they also work at a much deeper level,
affecting the constitution of fundamental views of nature and society. We begin by
treating nature as a manifold, i.e., terrain so complex that it is amenable to many
interpretive frameworks. Values, needs and social orders make selections from the myriad
of perspectives or overlays which could be applied to Nature. All meanings are social, and
the question of ideology is the question of how societies construct and come to take for
granted, their conceptions of nature, life, humanity and society. Ideological
constitutiveness does not change the number of planets, the speed of light or the freezing
point of water, but it fundamentally affects conceptions of planetary systems,
cosmological frames of reference, and classifications of states of matter. Above all, it
directs and frames our inquiry what to think about and how to think about it.Starting from this perspective, we believed and continue to believe
that science is insufficiently theorised on the left, with the result that capital in this
sphere has been insufficiently challenged. We accept capital's conception of science and
end up fighting on capital's terrain. Our challenges are not wide enough, not deep enough,
because there is a persistent belief that there are more or less clean, value-neutral
domains in science and technology. My own view is that we are rapidly reaching a point
where these issues are inescapable, but I fear that radical scientists will be pushed to a
clear realisation of the need for a deeper approach to theory and practice by the general
public's response to the astounding role which science and technology are coming to play
in the every day life of ordinary people. In saying this I mean no denigration of recent
work in BSSRS on health and safety, agricapital, sociobiology, race and IQ, food and
genetic engineering. But the energy devoted to these issues in the organisation most
committed to taking the new role of science seriously is paltry compared with public
campaigns in other quarters on racism and genetic engineering, to name but two examples.
Indeed, genetic engineering in its wider meaning as biotechnology and in
combination with microelectronics is now poised to transform the heart of the
economy: work, leisure, food, energy, drugs, chemicals, resulting in literally unimagined
changes. Add to this the impact of spare part surgery and artificial fertilisation and
implantation and you have changes affecting every sphere from conception, through birth,
life, work, illness and death. I have written about these implications elsewhere so won't
repeat the argument here. (See Reconstituting Technology in CSE Conference
Papers, 1979).
Use and Abuse: Levels Putting that point another way, it could be argued that the use/abuse
approach is fine as far as it goes but that it needs to be integrated into the
constitutive approach by a conception of levels. Let me illustrate this with some
examples. You might say that how we think of a spear or a bow and arrow depends on who is
wielding them and at whom. But that account won't do for a pacifist or (in the extreme) a
Jain Buddhist, for whom all life is sacred. The very invention of weapons the
constitution of the sciences and technologies which serve those purposes is
anathema. Moving from one extreme of the technology of weaponry to the other, the neutron
bomb is designed to destroy selectively, killing people but sparing property. The goals
are built into the technology. Of the automobile you might say that its use and abuse
depend on who is driving it where and for what purpose. But the concept of the automobile
is predicated on certain assumptions about the size of groups in which people travel,
flexibility of destinations, income, use of resources, etc. The same is true of road
systems, architecture and indeed the entire organisation of civilisation. (See David
Dickson Alternative Technology. Fontana pb. 1974)Similar arguments apply to the relations between technologies and other
features of society. For example, nuclear power brings with it a degree of security (in
the police sense) and a degree of likely pollution which fundamentally affects questions
of democracy and health in relation to everyday energy needs. The social relations of
production, the product and its uses are not separable. They are part of a society's
general metabolism, the elements of which change but, in relation to one another. The same
is true of the micro-electronics industry and South East Asian authoritarian regimes,
particularly Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore. (See Womens Place in the
Integrated Circuit, South East Asian Chronicle, No. 66, 1979).My final example is the development of microprocessors, which you might
offer as the best case of potential uses which free people from meaningless toil. But this
wide-reaching industrial revolution has been constituted by capital for its own purposes
in terms of both efficiency and real subordination of the labour force by technology. It
will transform work, employment and the labour process itself in ways which are
inseparable from the basic features of the capitalist mode of production. (See Dave Albury
on Microprocessors in this issue)
Science is Ideological: Standard Version These examples of the relationship between use/abuse and different
levels of the constitution of science and technology lead into a longer answer to the
second question on the conference poster. To say that science is ideological is too
much for most people, because they take it to mean that it is therefore false, biased,
merely subjective that apples might fall upwards or that there are no facts. This
misunderstanding isn't their fault; it derives from an ambiguity in the marxist tradition
between ideology as false consciousness and as a partial truth which prevents access to
the totality and historicity of social relations. (See R. M. Young, The Human Limits
of Nature, in J. Benthall, ed., The Limits of Human Nature, Allen
Lane, 1973)In my view the science/ideology debate has become tiresome, because in
discussions with working scientists it is up against a whole education in the separation
of facts from their contexts of meanings and social relations (that's a definition of
positivism). It is tiresome in the left as a whole, because it is up against a huge pile
of arid theoreticism from Althusserians, post- Althusserians and Structuralists who wish
to draw a radical distinction between science and ideology. So, we're diverted into
epistemological engagements on two fronts, positivism and structuralism, both militating
against direct political struggle.Of course, both of these forms of scientism do advocate the separation
of scientific theory from direct political intervention: one because scientific research
is seen as a haven from ideology, the other because theoretical work is itself treated as
'science'. In both cases, the technology of changing the world is done elsewhere by
the Party. My idea of the solution to the problem of revolutionary organisation does not
allow that kind of split between the place of work and the place of struggle. Libertarian
marxism is about struggling wherever capital attempts to control work, home,
community, culture. I think that scientism militates against this view of the need for
struggle to be ubiquitous and not just confined to certain spheres, e.g., the point of
industrial production.So, to return to the conference question, to say that science is
ideological is too sweeping and provocative. But to point out the role of capital's
version of reality at different levels in different disciplines is not so difficult to
take in. For example, I would expect no quarrel with this audience over the claim that the
role of ideology in IQ studies is on the surface what kinds of questions are asked
of what kinds of people to achieve what sorts of ordering along what axes? We'd divide
however, over whether or not IQ is merely bad science and over the role of the marxist
theory of commodity fetishism in explaining IQ research and testing. (See Les Levidow,
A Marxist Critique of the IQ Debate, in R.S.J. 6/7)Turning to another relatively easy case, I'd argue there is no other
plausible source for the conceptual glossary of sociobiology than a competitive,
hierarchical, meritocratic, sexist society. Here is a list of terms drawn from the working
vocabulary of E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology: The New Synthesis: division of labour
(sexual and task), hierarchy, competitiveness, domination/ submission, peck order,
aggression, selfishness/altruism, rank caste, role, worker, slave, soldier, queen, host,
harem, promiscuous, mob, combat, spite, bachelor, jealousy, territoriality, leadership,
indoctrinability, elites. Looking a bit wider to Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene, we
find cheat, sucker, grudger; wider still we find nepotism, philandering, rape. As Engels
said of such ways of interpreting nature, 'When this conjuror's trick has been performed .
. ., the same theories are transferred back again from organic nature into history and it
is now claimed that their validity as eternal laws of human society has been proved.'
(Engels, Dialectics of Nature, Progress Publishers, p. 308). We would have
differences as we do in the BSSRS Sociobiology Group over whether or not
operational definitions of concepts such as dominance or IQ get round the charge of
ideological constitution of a discipline's assumptions. My claim about the role of
ideology would thereby be relegated to the social and psychological sources of
concepts (as well as their popularisation), but would not touch substantive content of the
discipline as value-neutral testable knowledge.Moving on to chemistry, one would have to go deeper still to the
periodic table and to the determinants of the late eighteenth and nineteenth-century era
of classification in which it was formulated, along with, for example, analytical
taxonomies in biology and the study of the functions of the brain. What was it about the
historical state of the socio-economic contradiction between the forces and relations of
production which was being mediated by this way of framing the manifold of nature? It is
easier to find answers to such questions in brain studies (See R. M. Young, Mind, Brain
and Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford 1970) than in chemistry. But
beginnings have been made, and if we move on to physics there is a medium-sized industry
devoted to studying the capitalist constitution of modern physics, (see RSJ 9). I
would want to complement the study of the constitution of quantum mechanics in the
twentieth century with a study of the laying down of the metaphysical assumptions of
modern physical science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the
primary-secondary quality distinction, and corresponding distinctions in modern ontology
and epistemology. I have written elsewhere about these issues and the research programme
they entail, (see Science is Social Relations in RSJ 5), and I
have been very impressed by recent marxist work on the social foundations and social
resonances of fundamental assumptions of whole areas of science. I am thinking in
particular of the work of David Dickson on the scientific revolution, (in RSJ 8),
Edward Yoxen on molecular biology and Roger Cooter on brain studies. The hardest case is,
of course, mathematics the so-called 'queen of the sciences' but there is a
group of people who are learning to treat mathematics and quantification historically, as
a social product, for example, Imré Lakatos, David Bloor, Luke Hodgkin, (in RSJ 4),
Chris Knee, and myself (see 'Why are Figures so Significant?', in Demystifying Social
Statistics edited by J. Irvine, I. Miles and P. Evans, Pluto 1979), the last three in
the RSJ Collective.
Revised Version Everything I have said so far is really a preliminary, since, as I
mentioned, I want to argue that the issues need to be recontextualised for reasons of
intellectual accessibility and agitational immediacy. I want now to emphasise certain
conceptions which are more likely to take us into practical struggles. They are: 1) labour process treating science, technology,
medicine, and our own struggles, as labour processes consisting of (a) purposive activity, (b) raw materials, and (c) means of production, brought together to produce use values. The point of this
framework is to help us to focus more clearly on our own work and its vulnerability to
agitational politics, and to help us to see more clearly the articulations of scientific
and technological work with other labour processes in the spheres of production and
reproduction. The point of this approach is to help us to pay closer attention both to
opportunities for making politics at work, and for the relations of work with the totality
of social relations. It's to help us to stop seeing science as an exception to the
determinations of the rest of the mode of production. 2) constitution treating social determinants as
constitutive rather than merely contextual. 3) origination seeking opportunities for
intervention in the labour process of science and technology in the process of origination
of new endeavours rather than at the point of application alone. A reasonably attentive follower of the debate over science and ideology
would see these three conceptions as an attempt to recast old positions in a new mode
an agitational mode which is not primarily about knowledge but about intervention.
It is not marxism in general but the marxist conception of the labour process, producing
use values; not the theory of fetishism but the process of the coming to be of fixed
capital, concentrating on the processes whereby capital's priorities become embedded in
the project which thenceforward becomes increasingly refractory to willed, organised
efforts to alter it. It is not a counter-hegemonic world view as a whole but specific
struggles where facts and artefacts are conceived. But I wouldn't want you to think that
we are reformed characters who have abandoned theory and decided that the problem of
practice can be reduced to choosing which political party to join. Theory without practice
is empty; practice without theory is blind. A significant part of the problem in the
radical science movement is that people don't see the need to learn about the concepts which,
we'd argue, are indispensable for breaking out of a scientistic innocence. Here are some:
Ideology eternalises the historically contingent, and science
is the most potent expression of bourgeois ideology, serving the goals of the bourgeois
epoch and the capitalist mode of production. Fetishism treats the relations
between people as relations between things, and
commodity fetishism is the concomitant (in the
capitalist constitution of human character) of the domination of exchange value in the
capitalist mode.
Reification turns people into things, inducing pessimism and
reducing praxis to process, presided over by experts.
Hegemony elicits consent without overt force and obscures the
real power relations in society. We have to learn to think with such concepts inside science and not be
cowed by the them, or dismiss them as trendy jargon. The shift of focus I am advocating is
a consequence of digesting these conceptions with respect to science and technology. Now
let's get to work with them. This most recent version of a theoretical framework is part
of a longer term project: to make apparent the evaluative dimension inherent in
conceptions of nature, life humanity especially 'human nature' and society,
including its knowledge especially its objective knowledge, in science and
technology. The point of the long-term project is to make that evaluative/ideological
dimension amenable to contestation. Values are the basis of the structuring and conduct of
social relations; in capitalist society social relations are mediations of class
relations.Marxism is about the historicity of conceptions of nature, treating all
such conceptions as social products, rooted in the contradictory unity of the material and
human forces of production and the social relations of production (and reproduction in
both cases) which in our era make up the basic socio-economic order, the capitalist mode
of production. There is plenty of warrant for this reading of marxism, though there is no
unequivocal science here any more than in any other historical process. Gramsci, Lukács,
Korsch and Marcuse see it our way, while much of Engels and the writers of the period of
the Second International (1898-1914, Kautsky, Plekhanov), as well as early and late
Stalinists, don't. Marx said in his most comprehensive overview of his vision The Gründrisse that even the most abstract categories are a product of historic
relations and possess their full validity only within these relations (p. 105, Penguin
pb). The prevailing theories of the right, centre and left (including many marxisms) do
not treat knowledge as constituted by historical forces. Instead, they employ interaction
models, with social forces, which impinge rather than operate in the process of the
creation of the assumptions and categories, the projects and the criteria for what will
count as an answer and therefore bring curiosity to rest. The existing models are
dichotomous: science/society as in the right-wing UK Council for Science and Society,
substance/context as in the sociology of science and the sociology of knowledge the
first orthodox functionalist sociology, the second a bit more risqué but stopping at the
boundary of the content of knowledge in the hard sciences.The analogous dichotomous formulation in technology ignores the
blazingly obvious fact that technologies are actually ordered up in the research and
development departments of capitalist enterprises or contracted out to engineering
departments in universities, Imperial Colleges and polytechnics, either directly or via
government customer-contract relationships. But the distinction 'technology/control' lives
on, thereby exempting the technology itself from political analysis and contestation,
until it is ready to come on stream.The result of all this is that, at the bottom, all of knowledge is
separated from its use and abuse, and its origination is bracketed off and sequestered
from its application. By the time a word processor is being wheeled into a secretary's
office it is too late for anything but a holding action, and there's certainly no hope for
reflecting on the reconstitution of the foundations of a whole technology whose purpose is
to increase the efficiency and real subordination of a labour force much reduced by the
introduction of fixed capital in the form of the machine. Similarly, by the time it's
dropped on you there are distinct limitations on the scope for going back to the drawing
board over a neutron bomb.The reason for looking at the production of science and technology as a
labour process is, once again, to move on from a science/ideology analysis to concrete
studies and interventions. The science/ideology problem tends to restrict us to issues in
epistemology. It was very important indeed that Marcuse and the Frankfurt School taught us
to see scientific and technological rationality as forms of power and to locate and
demistify false consciousness. (See Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man, Abacus,
pb). But as many of those politicised in the '60s have learned, tearing away the veils of
mystification allows only a brief moment of exhiliration before one gazes directly at the
intractable realities of power in the forms of machines, institutions, power structures,
and having to survive within a system whose whole fabric serves the circulation and
expansion of capital, either directly, or indirectly through the mediations of career
structures and research-success-as capital. Looking at the labour process and the
constitution of knowledge and technology at the point of origination leads not to
epistemology but forward to agitation, organisation and subversion at work.
How Does This Affect Struggles?If we believe that the relations between science and technology and
socio-economic forces are not merely interactive but dialectical, i.e., mutually
constitutive, and if we believe, moreover, the fundamental marxist axiom that in the last
instance the arrow of causality points from the mode of production to its theoretical
domains, then we have to look and act on a much wider scale and operate at a number of
different levels. I want to suggest putting some energy into the places where scientists,
technologists and health workers work, i.e., struggle around the labour process of BSSRS'
own primary constituency and membership; and second, in the domains where those labour
processes articulate with the rest of production and reproduction.But in order to get on clear-sightedly with either of these activities,
I'd argue that we have to become utterly convinced of the revised version of the 'science
is ideological' thesis: that science is a labour process among others, and should not be
treated as a privileged form of knowledge.The left is on the whole very unsophisticated about science and
technology, while scientists and technologists and especially medical workers have a less
developed sense of the issues and practices in the wider culture of the left than do
specialists in other areas of the division of labour. At least thats my experience.
I keep encountering a diffidence on the part of left scientists which is uncharacteristic
of other leftists, even though the others' professional work may be on a quite narrow
topic just as narrow as the average scientific researcher's. The question, 'How
should this affect political struggle in these areas?' strikes me as important, but I
think its only part of the relevant question. What about other areas? I am
suggesting that our theory and practice inside science should articulate with and
indeed be inseparable from our theory and practice in the rest of life and work.
Moving from a dichotomous interaction model means removing the barriers which lead most of
us to do one sort of thing at work inside scientific study or research, another sort of
thing in our home and cultural lives, and a third in BSSRS.Assuming the mutual determination of capitalism and science, with the
production and reproduction of the social relations of capitalism as determinate in the
last instance, I'd argue that we need to educate ourselves out of diffidence and branch
out more into the general left culture where various forms of scientism are rife.
Practices for Our Own Class Fraction Much of what I have said about struggle at our own places of work and
in the wider left subculture is based on some premises which I'd now like to make
explicit. There is currently a debate in the left over the class role of people like
ourselves people who neither own the means of production nor have anything to sell
but their labour power the so-called professional-managerial class
fraction, including scientists, technologists, medical workers, teachers, and so on,
making up about a quarter of the American population and 14% of the British.(See P.
Walker, Between Labor and Capital, Harvester, 1979). The line I am taking is in
opposition to the belief that scientists and technologists are becoming proletarianised
rapidly enough to integrate the problem of how they make politics with that of the
traditional working class. The problem of articulating, (i.e., connecting up) those
struggles is of the utmost importance, but I think its utopian to try to conflate
them. Having said that, I am not arguing that science and technology are buffered from the
marketplace in the way the liberal tradition of science and academic freedom were in the
nineteenth century. The gap between science in the liberal tradition esoteric
sciences such as particle physics, solid state physics, chemistry and molecular biology on
the one hand, and productive technologies on the other is disappearing,
respectively, in nuclear power, microprocessors, biotechnology and genetic engineering.In all these cases the problem of the gap between science and capital
never really existed, as I've been arguing all along, since capital constitutes knowledge
and technology. My point is that the mediations are disappearing. The disappearance of
those mediations is also part of my argument for looking hard at the labour processes of
our own work and their articulations, in order to address them in ways which are familiar
in the most progressive forms of working class struggles.You may think the definition of science as a labour process which I
gave above is merely a formula. But if you take it seriously and apply it to your own job,
you will be forced to consider the real chances for political struggle and the
articulations between your work and other areas of struggle. I mean the analysis to be
applied quite literally as an exercise in political analysis for the purpose of political
organisation and struggle at work and in the relations between that labour process and the
ones with which it is connected other labs, teaching situations, home, sexual
politics, etc. Any time you don't apply the analysis in a given situation, you are
deciding not to make politics there and then.Our task is more difficult in the face of the ambivalent class position
of our own class fraction. For example, Mike George says of the Lucas Aerospace Combine
Shop Stewards' Committee Corporate Plan that it 'is not simply a pile of documents. It is
the beginnings of an attempt to expropriate control over the decisions as to what is to be
made for whom and for what purpose'. Now listen to a report of what Donna Haber, ASTMS and
TUC representative on the Genetic Manipulation Advisory Group said of union involvement:
'The real basis of trade unions was challenging managerial prerogatives and giving people
more influence over their own working lives.' 'We must become involved in decision making
processes with regard to investment, funding, science policy and health and safety.' 'Yet
when it comes to our own laboratories, a number of scientists could be compared
unfavourably with the Victorian employers. All decisions were made by the scientists
heading the group. Who will dare challenge the decision of the scientists? Well, we will
for a start,' she said.These are stirring sentiments, and I offer them as models for an
approach to intervention at the base in the process of origination of new research
and development in industry and in the academic sphere.It would be naive to assert that upwardly socially mobile workers would
risk their future careers by direct attacks. This is why we cannot collapse BSSRS into
union militancy, much less into a straightforwardly working class party. It is also why we
have work to do in the two directions I mentioned first in organising at work and
in the left subculture and in culture generally; second in bringing our critique of
science into the unions BSSRS people join, and carrying the issue of the role of science
into organisations such as the CSE, (Conference of Socialist Economists), where left
positions are worked out for our caste. We work where theories and things, facts and
artefacts are conceived. That's the point where many questions become closed. Our work in
an increasingly science-based culture is to prise them open. In order to gear up to do
that, I think we have to return to a constituency which our correct reaction against the
pretensions of the student movement led us to abandon. But we forgot that those students
become capital's mediators of power very soon. I think we have to win them back by
complementing the focuses I've mentioned, by doing research on the plight of technicians,
the career prospects of students, the conditions of graduate students, the job market for
post-doctorals. That is, we have to speak to the material condition of our own natural
constituency in order to have any basis for mobilisation. We should also direct some
energy to becoming better informed and more critical about the power structure of science
not only the Royal Society, but the Research Councils, UGC, CNAA, DES, MAFF, MOD, Dept. of
Energy, DOI, ACARD, NRDC, Research Requirements Board, etc., and their articulations with
NEDC, NEB, EEC and other private and public planning, agenda-setting and granting bodies,
e.g., Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller and Nuffield Foundations, Wellcome Trust, etc.'Science is ideological' means that we have to struggle in the labour
process in the process of origination where the ideological constitution occurs.
Further Reading Many of these views have been developed in the Radical Science
Journal (R.S.J.) available from 9 Poland Street. [Note 1996: available from 26
Freegrove Road, London N7 9RQ.]There is an extensive bibliography in R.S.J. 6/7, while the
forthcoming R.S.J. 9 contains the first instalment of an ongoing critical
bibliography.In addition, the following are relevant to the ideas discussed in this
paper. Stanley Aronowitz, 'Marx, Braverman and the Logic of Capital', Insurgent
Sociologist 8, Nos. 2 and 3 (Fall 1978), pp. 235-274. Jane Barker and Hazel Downing 'Office Automation: Word
Processing and the Transformation of Patriarchal Relations', in C.S.E. Conference
Papers, 1979, pp. 15-19. David Bloor, Knowledge and Social Imagery. Routledge pb. (1976).
Roger Cooter, 'The Power of the Body: the Early Nineteenth Century,
in Barry Barnes and Stephen Shapin (eds.), Natural Order: Historical Studies
in Scientific Culture. Sage 1979, pp. 73-92.
The Labour Process and Class Strategies. C.S.E. Pamphlet No. 1,
Stage One pb 1976. London Labour Process/Left Strategy Group, 'The Problem of
Articulations in Left Strategies', C.S.E Conference Papers, 1979, pp. 101-18. Mike Hales, Theory and Practice; The Labour Process and the
Politics of Production, C.S.E. Conference Papers, 1979, pp. 66-72. Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism. New Left Books, (1975) and Verso
paper back (1978), chapters 6 and 8. Edward Yoxon, The Social Impact of Molecular Biology. Cambridge
PhD Thesis, 1977.One further point: the RSJ Collective believe that work within the
context of science needs to be complemented with active participation in a wider Left
culture. We have found the Conference of Socialist Economists a congenial framework for
such work. For further information about CSE/CSE working groups/CSE books/Capital and
Class, write to 55 Mount Pleasant, London, WC1 OAE.
Paper presented to British Society for Social Responsibility in Science
conference on Science Under Capitalism, 1979. This shortened version appeared
in Science for People Nos. 43/44, pp. 31-37. Note from editor: Shortage of space
forced us to make some cuts in Bob Young's article, thus increasing the density of an
already highly compressed argument. Our thanks to Bob for his graceful acceptance of our