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'The Work Group
Revisited: Reflections on the Practice of Group Relations' by David Armstrong |
'Keep on Moving' by David Armstrong |
study of household consumption practices, and more generally,
of material culture offers an inside view on social and cultural transformations of
societies. This is especially true for Eastern Europe whose countries are living through
fundamental changes in economic and ideological orientations. This work in progress is
based on an ethnography of a small Bulgarian town. This topic is not new for me, since for
a number of years I have carried out a comparative analysis of household consumption in
France and Britain. |
'Trieste: The Current
Situation' by Tim Kendall: In 1978, Law 180
was passed in Italy, which led to the closing of old-style custodial mental hospitals and
their replacement by new forms of care in the community. This was the culmination of a
movement called Psychiatria Democratica, led by a Trieste psychiatrist, Franco Basaglia.
The story of this movement, its history, politics and the current situation are narrated,
along with refletcions comparing the Italian situation with that in Britain. This story
should be of interest anywhere where the reform of an old-fashioned organization of mental
hospitals is under consideration. |
Bulgarian Psychiatric
Association: Toward the Liberation of Mental
Health: A Reform of Bulgarian Psychiatry |
Haralan Alexandrov What is Emerging in the 'Newly-Emerging Democracies'? The Case of
Bulgaria: A Critique |
Paul Hoggett The Internal Establishment |
Latest Papers:
Toma Tomov, Nikolai Butorin: 'Views Held by Psychiatrists of their Profession: Are there Differences
Between East and West?' |
Toma Tomov and Evgueni Guentchev: 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Victims of Violence' |
Toma Tomov, Maya Mladenova, Haralan
Alexandrov: 'Psychodynamic Approaches to Training: The
Experience of Group Work with Minority Leaders' |
Papers from the Conference on Group Relations and
Organizational Behaviour, New Bulgarian University, 14 May 1995:
W. Gordon Lawrence: 'The Presence of Totalitarian States of Mind in Institutions' |
Robert M. Young: 'Mental Space and Group Relations' |
A number of the papers which have grown out of this work
have been collected in a book:
David Armstrong, W. Gordon
Lawrence and Robert M. Young:
Group Relations: An Introduction |
Writings of Professor Toma Tomov
Psychoanalysis in a Post
Totalitarian Society |
List of Publications in English |
Social Violence and the Social Institutions |
The Politics of Mental Health in Bulgaria:
Is There a Civic Role for Psychiatry? |
Ethnic Conflict and Mental Health: An
Agenda for the Future |
Impact of Political Change in Eastern
Europe on the Advancement of Behavioural Sciences and Psychiatry |
Institute for Human Relations |
Writings of Professor Robert M. Young
Robert M. Young: Racist Society, Racist Science |
Robert M. Young and Toma Tomov: Institute for Human Relations |
Robert M. Young: Group Relations in a New Environment |
Web Site Containing Robert
Young's On-line Writings |
Papers from the 1992 Psychoanalytic Week, New Bulgarian
University, 14-15 April, 1992
Robert M. Young: 'Guilt and the Veneer of Civilization' |
Robert M. Young: 'Psychotic
Anxieties in Groups and Organizations |
Writings of Professor W. Gordon Lawrence
W. Gordon Lawrence Won from the Void and Formless Infinite: Experiences of Social
Dreaming |
W. Gordon Lawrence
Centring of the Sphinx for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations |
Writings of David Armstrong
David Armstrong: 'Making Absences Present: The Contribution of W. R. Bion to
Understanding Unconscious Social Phenomena' |
David Armstrong, Tavistock
Consultancy Services
The Recovery of Meaning |
David Armstrong
Names, Thoughts and Lies: The Relevance of Bion's Later Writing for Understanding
Experiences in Groups |
David Armstrong
Institution in the Mind |
Reading Lists
W. R. Bion |
Groups and Institutions |
Racism and Virulent Nationalism |